Fenomenología y Filosofía Primera 
«El filósofo se incluye a sí mismo, en cierto modo de una vez para siempre, en la peculiar tradición de los hombres sin tradición, o sea, de los socráticos» M. G-B.

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Convocatoria de la sociedad de fenomenología y medios de comunicación.

Call for Papers
Society for Phenomenology and Media

13th ANNUAL CONFERENCE Furtwangen and Freiburg, Germany Wednesday 16th – Saturday 19th of March 2011.
The Society for Phenomenology and Media (SPM) is now accepting abstracts (200 – 400 words) for consideration for its 13th annual international conference to be held at Furtwangen im Schwarzwald (Black Forest) and Freiburg im Breisgau. Proposals for 3 person panels are now also being accepted.

Panel proposals should be organized around specific media: for example: the book, the film, the internet, mobile communication, print media (books, news papers, and magazines), stage drama, television, visual art, etc. Panel proposals need to include three papers, one of whom is the panel organizer. Individual abstracts are assigned to a panel by the conference host.

The Society for Phenomenology and Media encourages interdisciplinary approaches and theoretical diversity. Individual papers and panels need not be limited to phenomenological approaches.

In the past, papers have come from diverse theoretical perspectives, including critical theory, cultural studies, hermeneutics, Marxism, New Historicism, post-colonial theory, pragmatism, semiotics, speech-act theory, and others.

Participants have come from a wide range of disciplines: philosophy, media studies, communications, psychology, history, political science, sociology, rhetoric, literary theory, and cultural studies.

Deadline for abstracts and panel proposals is January 14th, 2011.

Doctoral students are invited to submit proposals, but should note that SPM limits the number of papers from students.
Submitted conference abstracts and panel proposals are peer reviewed. Papers accepted are publisched in Glimpse, the annual publication of SPM.

Send abstracts, panel proposals, and questions to the conference host:

Prof. Dr. Miguel A. García Hochschule Furtwangen, Germany garcia@hs-furtwangen.de
or the conference co-hosts:

Prof. Dr. Friedrich Uehlein Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Friedrich.Uehlein@philosophie.uni-freiburg.de

Dr. Phil. Mónica Alarcón Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany tanzphil.alar@yahoo.de

Fenomenología y Filosofía Primera

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