Fenomenología y Filosofía Primera 
«El filósofo se incluye a sí mismo, en cierto modo de una vez para siempre, en la peculiar tradición de los hombres sin tradición, o sea, de los socráticos» M. G-B.

International Realistic Phenomenology Conference, Paris, 9-12 may 2012.

A continuación os copiamos la invitación que amablemente nos envía el profesor Lavigne: 

To All scholars and research Fellows in Phenomenology, In the name of the Archives Husserl, Paris (CNRS / ENS), I am happy to announce and send you an invitation to the next International Conference on "Realistic" Phenomenologies, in Paris.

It will take place at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Salle des Actes, Rue d'Ulm, n° 45, 5th. Arrondissement), on may 2012, 10th., 11th. and 12th.

The Conference will be dedicated to the ontological and methodological problems set forth within phenomenological thinking by the controversy arisen between Husserl and his former collaborators and students of Munich and Göttingen : Scheler, Pfänder, Geiger, Reinach, H. Conrad-Martius, E. Stein and R. Ingarden.

Every scholar or student interested in transcendental phenomenology or in the possibility of a non-idealistic approach to intentionality, reduction, or phenomena in general, is welcome to this scientific manifestation. It will be the occasion of meeting and listening to specialists of very different origins, phenomenological traditions and languages.

We thank you for transmitting this invitation and program inside your phenomenological and research institution -- and apologize for possible double mailing.

With best regards,
Jean-François Lavigne Professor in contemporary Philosophy and Phenomenology,
University of Nice (France) Centre d'Etudes Phénoménologiques de Nice (Cephen) 

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