Ortega Rodríguez. Animal Citizenship, Phenomenology, and Ontology

Os compartimos este artículo del profesor Ortega, publicado en el último número, 2017, 8(1), de Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics

Sue Donaldson’s and Will Kymlicka’s book Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights. My thesis is that, despite the authors’ reticence, considerations in first philosophy regarding humans and nonhumans are relevant to their goal of building a more comprehensive animal rights philosophy. What is more, I believe that first philosophy actually can be of help for their proposal, specifically in the form of phenomenology and phenomenological ontology. For this purpose, I first summarize the basic outline of Zoopolis’s position and indicate some questions that arise from a strictly internal consideration of its theses. And secondly, I introduce some aspects in which phenomenological research would be relevant, along with some particular and provisional analyses carried out from the standpoint of a phenomenologically-based ontology. Especially, there is a theme that stands out: the intersubjective realms between humans and nonhumans.

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