Ortega R. Technical civilization, boredom and responsibility in Jan Patocka

Os informamos de este artículo del profesor Ortega Rodríguez, especialmente relevante tanto su texto como la publicación para los estudiosos de la obra Patočka, aparece en este Dossiê Patočka, editado por Eduardo Marandola (UNICAMP), Gustavo Silvano Batista (UFPI) e Vitor Sartori Cordova. Disponible aquí:

«This article presents Patočka’s analyses of boredom, both in themselves and in relation to his philosophy and -on another plane- to contemporary debates on the topic. Firstly, we present his phenomenological studies of the 1940s, that develop a description of boredom as a mood that, negatively, helps ascertain what fulfilment in human life consists of. Secondly, we present Patočka’s later considerations on boredom as a symptom of deep-seated problems in technical civilisation, as well as the concepts from his philosophy in those years that sustain his positions. Finally, we describe Patočka’s ideas for overcoming the crisis and we consider what these philosophical developments may say to us.This article presents Patočka’s analyses of boredom, both in themselves and in relation to his philosophy and -on another plane- to contemporary debates on the topic. Firstly, we present his phenomenological studies of the 1940s, that develop a description of boredom as a mood that, negatively, helps ascertain what fulfilment in human life consists of. Secondly, we present Patočka’s later considerations on boredom as a symptom of deep-seated problems in technical civilisation, as well as the concepts from his philosophy in those years that sustain his positions. Finally, we describe Patočka’s ideas for overcoming the crisis and we consider what these philosophical developments may say to us.»

Por otra parte, aprovechamos esta entrada para indicar un par de publicaciones más de otra índole, estas en torno a sexualidad, género y cristianismo, temas sobre los que también investiga y publica habitualmente. 

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