García-Baró. Mística especulativa y filosofía de la alteridad. Un prólogo para la obra de Semion L. Frank en filosofía de la religión

Referenciamos Mística especulativa y filosofía de la alteridad. Un prólogo para la obra de Semion L. Frank en filosofía de la religión, del profesor Gacía-Baró. 

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Se puede profundizar el estudio del texto a través de los vídeos de las sesiones de los cursos de 2019 a 2021 de nuestro Seminario permanente Fenomenología y filosofía primera, dedicadas a Semion L. Frank, en las que tomamos como texto de partida su obra Objeto del saber durante el curso 2019-2020.
García-Baró, M. "Mística especulativa y filosofía de la alteridad. Un prólogo para la obra de Semion L. Frank en filosofía de la religión": Barroso Romero, R. A.; Castillo Lozano, J. A.; García García, E. M.; González Blasco, L.; Solera Alfonso, D. (editores) (2023) La diversidad de experiencias en las religiones, Buenos Aires. 
Abstract: This essay sees itself as a contribution to introducing Semion L. Frank’s thought into the contemporary discussions between philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and the new variants of what has been exaggeratedly called the theological turn of phenomenology. We lack in Spanish any study dedicated to Frank’s important culminating work, at the end of his literary activity, Lo inconcebible. However, in this book the exiled Russian philosopher goes deeper, essentially on the basis of Heidegger, Otto, Scheler and Soloviov, in defense of the last identity between speculative mysticism and first philosophy. As he himself says, it is a matter of reviving the essential discoveries of Nicholas of Cusa regarding theabyss of the transrationality of the absolute as coincidentia oppositorum. In carrying out this undertaking, Frank originally anticipated the major themes of philosophers such as Michel Henry and Emmanuel Levinas, who do not quote him, and he takes a position that is stronglyreminiscent of that defended by Karl Jaspers, despite the different reading that both thinkers make of what the latter called the figures of transcendence.

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